What's the saddest thing about this video?

a) That this guy is paid $186,000 a year from our taxes
b) That he gets to vote on raising our taxes
c) That the Liberal Media and SNL won't do to him what the have done to Palin
d) That the Leftists will probably re-elect him
e) Other
f) All of the above

See video for details:


Favorite Answer

All of the above and...

g) He is a member of the Armed Services Committee and our Generals have to answer to this dolt.

The trains will run on time!2010-04-01T15:55:49Z

F - as for what the "e) other" should be, if he is worried about islands collapsing due to population density, he should go to Manhattan some time.

Serious, the Admiral deserves another medal for keeping a straight face, but he did get an insult in when he told the idiot Congressman that he would be happy to supply to square mile figure to him. It took me less than 2 minutes to find it, along with the population density of both Guam and Manhattan. This Congressman must have some real high quality staffers to write such a question for him.


The song that makes me cry the most is a song called "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Beautiful , but sad written lyrics. A very powerful song that brings me to tears from the very first line of the song being sung. Every time. Amy Lee can sing the hell out of that song.


The Stupidity of Congress. Their heart string tugging for senseless,unsubstantiated BS reasons.
Liberal, for sale, slime.

Thomas D2010-04-01T15:53:08Z

How about that he knows the dimensions of the island and cannot figure out the square mileage, that is hilarious and sad.

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