Why don't all states publish voters' guides?

The state of washington publishes a booklet before every election listing every option for voting, it shows pictures of all candidates, allows each candidate to make a statement of why they should be elected, lists every ballot measure summarizes it, and allows supporters and opponents to write an essay in support and opposition to it (and rebut the other side's arguments). They print up lots of these and distribute them everywhere (including at the polling locations). That way every voter has at their fingertips all the information they should need to make an educated decision in the election.

The only other state I could find that does this is California. Do other states do this, if they don't why not?


Favorite Answer

an educated voting bloc is NOT desired by our elected officials. they want us to be swayed by catch phrases and outrageous TV ads.


I believe the League of Women Voters -- a nationwide organization -- prepares similar informational material in every community where they have a group. They perform an outstanding service with this literature, and it would be even better if everyone was able to obtain one of their "Voters' Guides."