Efil fo Gninaem eht si Tahw?

Em pleh! Em pleh! Edutitpeni fo loopssec citohcysp a emoceb sah boj ym dna snoitcuder ecrofkrow fo massacre siht ni tliug s'rovivrus evah I

Em pleh! Em pleh!


24 is in its last season? I wonder about the possibility of a Mathematical relationship between 24 and 42? I mean, aside from the fact that they are both even numbers!


Favorite Answer

Hold yourself up to a mirror and Gallileo will bail your out.

REVA M2010-04-03T00:48:49Z



The meaning of life is bigger than the ineptitude of the psychotic cesspool massacre so stay the course and be open to the revelation.

Sir K2010-04-03T01:13:06Z

Why is "ercassam" the only word not backwards?

You're awesome man and I've missed you! : )

The meaning of life is to enjoy every second you've got because it only comes once.


The meaning of life is evolution's creation, or creation's evolution. 24 would have been a hysterical answer.

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