Fostering a lactating cat - what does this involve?

I have applied to foster cats for the local humane society. I just got an email from them saying they have two mama cats who have recently been separated from their kittens and need to be fostered for a week and a half for lactation. Does anyone have any idea what this would involve? I live alone and am at work Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 5:00 or so, although I am off this Monday. Do these mama cats need someone who will be home more, or would my schedule still allow me to help?



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it means looking after as might be stressed as kittens gone,and waiting for there milk to dry up .also might want feeding up as lost weight


I don't see that it would need anything more than looking after two very distressed cats. Quite what the humane society is doing removing a whole liter while Mum is still lactating, I can't imagine.