Rate/Fix my Disaster Dragon Deck?

I'm working on a disaster dragon deck and would like to know what other people think of it.

Monsters (20)

1 Prime Material Dragon
1 Genesis Dragon
1 Koa’ki Meiru Drago
2 Magna Drago
2 Totem Dragon
2 Masked dragon
2 Red-Eyes Wyvern
3 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3 The White Stone of Legend
3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Spells (13)

1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm
1 Brain Control
1 Lightning vortex
1 Burst Stream of Destruction
1 Future Fusion
1 My body as a shield
2 Dragon’s Mirror
2 Cards of Consonance
2 Trade-In

Traps (7)

1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Return from the different dimension
2 Bottomless trap hole
2 Compulsory evacuation device

Extra deck (15)

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Black rose dragon
1 Goyo guardian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Magical Android
1 Red dragon archfiend
3 Stardust dragon
2 Five headed dragon
2 Blue eyes ultimate dragon

also i have solemn judgment, but i can't think of what i should take out for it.



disaster dragon deck


Crystal Warriors2010-04-10T00:13:44Z

Favorite Answer

Nice Deck 9/10
2x Decoy Dragon
2x Vanguard Dragon
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Dark Bribe


Lost Sanctuary Its a fairy deck comprising of mostly light fairy type monsters. There is a card called "Master Hyperion" Level 8, 2700ATK, 2100DEF, which can be special summoned by banishing an agent monster (the deck is full of them) from your hand field or grave which is pretty easy to carry out. This card can destroy any of your opponents cards by banishing one light fairy type from your graveyard. This is useful for taking out Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon if your opponent has a dragon deck. Also, if you can get yourself hold of a card called Nurse Reficule, and combine it with a trap called Gift Card, you can do some serious damage. Research them and you'll know why. So if you can get hold of 3 x lost sanctuary deck you can make a pretty solid fairy deck Hope that helps


I just had a similar problem recently. I so know what you mean. I'm sorry that i can't be more helpful. Good luck with working this issue out:-)


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