What are my chances of having twins?

My great grandmother on my mom's side had fraternal twins (Boy and Girl) and my aunt on my mom's side had fraternal twins (both boys) Anybody know the typical factors that influence having twins? I don't know how reliable it is, but I've heard many people say that taller girls are more likely to have twins, and I'm 5'10" with a history of fraternal twins on my mom's side. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I too am a tall girl, and I heard yes, there is a fact/study out there, that the women over a certain height are more likely to produce twins than those who are short. You are also right that you can have twins since you have twins on your mothers side.

If you were to have twins, you would most likely have fraternal twins as well, mean two eggs released.
I dont know what the your increased rates are, but I do know that the the general populations have a 1 in 285 chance of twins, yours would be higher, but I'm not sure of the ratio.


Never heard anything about tall girls being more likely to have twins. Have no idea how that would effect anything.

They do say that twins run on the mother's side of the family. Probably more likely to release 2 eggs at once (fraternal twins).


Height has nothing to do with it. The chance of having fraternal twins is passed down on the mother's side (since she is the one who releases more than one egg during ovulation- resulting in twins).

Hope this helps!

Good bless and baby dust to all ttc!