Is Asa a nickname for a longer name?

I am searching for a male ancestor named Asa. He lived in the 1800's and I wonder if Asa was a nickname for Alouicious, Aloysius, or some other old fashioned name. Does anyone know any longer names for which Asa might have been a nickname?

I know they often used names from the Bible in that era but I can't think of any that would be shortened to Asa. Thanks for any ideas you might have.


Thanks, Luca. I'll just have to keep searching with the name Asa since it looks like that was his full first name.


Favorite Answer

Asa is a name in its own right. It is in the Bible and also relatively common in modern times, Asa Hutchinson being a government official in the Bush administration.

RAY G2010-04-05T03:53:16Z

Checking out the national origin would probably help.

There are several possibilities, none of them nicknames, including the Swedish Åsa.

See "Asa (name)" at Wikipedia