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This or That, uncommon boy names?

Again, it's more like of a this or that or that (or that). Just pick your favorite (least hated) from each line =)

Oh, and star if you liked!

1) Easton, Lennox, Holden or Blakely

2) Fabian, Hugo, Heinrich or Edgar

3) Crispin, Edwin, Marino or Vito

4) Andrik, Casimir, Jarek or Ivan

5) Errol, Leith or Flynn

6) Douglas, Clarence, Gilead or River

7) Trent, Ace, Carl, Floyd or Lyle

8) Mathis, Arnaud or Emile

9) Andreas, Espen or Joachim

10) Asa, Ira or Kai

36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Easton, Lennox, Holden or Blakely [LENNOX, although it's pretty much tied with HOLDEN.]

    2) Fabian, Hugo, Heinrich or Edgar [HUGO. I also love EDGAR, but it's my father's name. Ugh.]

    3) Crispin, Edwin, Marino or Vito [EDWIN is amazing. I also like CRISPIN.]

    4) Andrik, Casimir, Jarek or Ivan [IVAN, but it's tied with CASIMIR.]

    5) Errol, Leith or Flynn [Erm...FLYNN?]

    6) Douglas, Clarence, Gilead or River [GILEAD, not really a fan of any.]

    7) Trent, Ace, Carl, Floyd or Lyle [ACE.]

    8) Mathis, Arnaud or Emile [EMILE, but it's tied with MATHIS.]

    9) Andreas, Espen or Joachim [ANDREAS, but not overly fond of any.]

    10) Asa, Ira or Kai [IRA. I only like KAI as a nickname for a longer name.]

  • 1) Easton, Lennox, Holden or Blakely ~ EASTON

    2) Fabian, Hugo, Heinrich or Edgar ~ HUGO

    3) Crispin, Edwin, Marino or Vito ~ EDWIN!

    4) Andrik, Casimir, Jarek or Ivan ~ IVAN

    5) Errol, Leith or Flynn ~ FLYNN

    6) Douglas, Clarence, Gilead or River ~ DOUGLAS

    7) Trent, Ace, Carl, Floyd or Lyle ~ TRENT

    8) Mathis, Arnaud or Emile ~ MATHIS

    9) Andreas, Espen or Joachim ~ JOACHIM

    10) Asa, Ira or Kai ~ IRA

    Even though I personally loathe a majority of these names, I must say that it's an interesting assortment. Also, I'd just like to add that my favorite--by far--is Edwin. I love it! It's a first name on my list. :)

  • hunt
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1) Easton, Lennox, Holden or Blakely LENNOX

    2) Fabian, Hugo, Heinrich or Edgar HUGO

    3) Crispin, Edwin, Marino or Vito EDWIN

    4) Andrik, Casimir, Jarek or Ivan IVAN

    5) Errol, Leith or Flynn ERROL

    6) Douglas, Clarence, Gilead or River RIVER

    7) Trent, Ace, Carl, Floyd or Lyle ACE

    8) Mathis, Arnaud or Emile MATHIS

    9) Andreas, Espen or Joachim ESPEN

    10) Asa, Ira or Kai ASA

  • Megan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    LENNOX. That is unique. Easton is a baseball/softball bat brand, Holden is the last name of the main character in The Catcher in the Rye, and Blakely sounds girlish.

    EDGAR. I don't necessarily like any one of these names you have listed, but I guess Edgar is the most appealing.

    CRISPIN, although it sounds like a cracker, it has the best chime.

    CASIMIR. I would name my son Kashmir, so I guess this is just an alternative spelling?

    ERROL. Leith sounds like leaf and Flynn sounds like Flem.... I'm not necessarily found of any one of these names in particularly.

    RIVER. Douglas is a last name to too many people I know. Clarence sounds like an old lady or a character from Little House on the Prairie. Gilead also sounds old, like Andy Griffin old.

    ACE. Although Trent is cute and somewhat common, I would choose Ace out of those listed.

    MATHIS. The only bad thing about Mathis is that is sounds too much like Mathus, which is a demon on earth in the shape of a raven or crow.

    ESPEN. I think this name is cute for either a girl or a boy.

    KAI. I like the spelling Kye more.

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  • 1 decade ago

    01. Holden.

    02. Edgar or Hugo.

    03. Vito.

    04. Andrik.

    05. Flynn.

    06. River.

    07. Trent.

    08. Emile.

    09. Andreas.

    10. Kai.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Oh my goodness. So, so hard! Holden & Easton are in my top three! Holden's my all-time number one, so I have to pick him. But I love love love Easton, as well!

    2) Heinrich.

    3) Crispin.

    4) Ivan.

    5) Flynn (I once knew a kid named Leith. People often thought his name was either Keith or Leaf.)

    6) River.

    7) Ace.

    8) Emile.

    9) Espen.

    10) Asa (love this!)


  • 1 decade ago

    Lennox, Edgar, Marino, Ivan, Leith, Douglas, Trent, Emile, Andreas, Ira

  • 1. Holden

    2. Hugo<3

    3. Crispin

    4. Casimir

    5. Flynn

    6. Clarence

    7. Ace

    8. Mathis

    9. Espen

    10. Kai


  • 1 decade ago

    For a boy,

    1) Holden.

    2) Fabian.

    3) Vito.

    4) Andrik.

    5) Flynn. < love the name Flynn.

    6) Ermm, Douglas.

    7) Trent, Ace and Floyd.

    8) Emile. < love that one too.

    9) Erm, None sorry.

    10) Kai.



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Holden

    2. Edgar

    3. Crispin ♥

    4. Ivan

    5. Leith

    6. River {prefers on girls}

    7. Lyle

    8. Mathias ♥


    10. Kai

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