Who rates answers ? Sabotaging Yahoo answers records?
I don't specially care for BA but it is irritating to see so many answers not rated by the asker and rated by incompetent or malevolent voters (or people who care only for accumulating points)
I have a lot of examples of completely wrong (or stupid) answers chosen as best even though other were correct.
If YA wants to have more than a mostly junk record, shouldn't they suppress the rating by voters ? And when askers don't care for choosing, withdraw points untill they would be turned out.
Modulus Argument Complex number?
Two answers. The author of the 'best' says explicitly he doesn't know what Mod-Arg form is. I gave the answer. Clearly dishonest on the part of the (one) voter
What is the incompatibility between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?
'Best' got two votes for an empty answer saying that GR wants a precise position to any given point (!) and Qm is a realm of probabilities. Makes qm incompatible with everything else in physics. We were 2-3 to strive to give detailed answers.
Anyone good at combination?
The 'best' does not answer the question. Apparently doesn't understand it.
Also this was completely dishonest on the part of the vot
Centripetal Acceleration?!?
'Best answer' completely wrong. Answerer mistakes 6cm for .6m. + another technical error.
Gambling game between A and B?
We were two to give the right answer. Two people voted for 'best' who didn't know the conditional probability formula to be used, made some calculations with Excel and produced a completely wrong numerical answer.
Why light can exist even after its source is gone?
No explanations other than 'it is due to the nature of light' by 'best' who got two votes though we were several to give explanations for zero votes.
And so on and so forth...if people rate the answers to their own question, I don't question even though they sometimes try only to make fun of the answerers, but these stupid votes make the whole record fishy.
Ricky, there are interesting suggestions on ways to select serious askers in the responses to a question at this address: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100404151219AAYWpZt
Also, I suggest suppressing vote when no BA is chosen by Asker, or at least suppressing the points to voters which are an incentive to random answering. And withdrawing points from askers who do not give BA. To fight random BA's one could also imagine an appeal procedure which could only be judged by to contributors in the domain of concern. Some time ago
I answered a question about Dirac's delta and the Asker's BA went to someone who answered: why don't you ask your teacher ? For this type of case, even the YA people should be able to judge..
Sorry, gave a wrong address for the reference above. Here is the right one.
I feel very much like Madhukar. Split between these nice people who appreciate what you try to do for them and the feeling that you are really wasting a lot of time. Maybe YA people will understand some day that taking care of the site quality is of importance if they don't want to destroy what they have created.
One more example
Kinetic energy problem
BA given to wrong answer. I guess it is sometimes done on purpose. The YA system is decidedly rotten.