Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin?

This is what the Republicans are offering for 2012? Sarah can't stay home to take care of a retarded child or help her other children ( oh, I forgot, she is rich and doesn't have to ) and Newt is the Republican version of Clinton, only Clinton was president for 8 years. The Republicans hired Ken Starr to spend 20 million US tax dollars to report that Bill had an affair with Monica and should be impeached . . .and yet Newt, who had the 'same' affair with a campaign aide, is thinking of running for President. The Republicans are saying, ' do as I say, not as I do' or something like, it is okay for us to have affairs and chase little boys, but not Democrats. ANd newt calls Obama ''radical and liberal'? What is wrong with you guys?


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The Clintons had a nanny raise their daughter Chelsea.
Janet Reno apointed Ken Starr.
Newt Gingrich is a dinosaur Republican.

Sarah Palin is stronger than most people know, but the media usually takes obscure quotes out of context.

All you need to do is watch the Nightline interview with Charlie Gibson, then actually READ the entire unedited interview. The editors at Nightline clearly did a hatchet job to make her look bad.


never is that an surprising fee tag! it is a recycling of washed-out Republicans! they must be based on the youthful seems of Sarah Palin to entice voters that are no longer all in favour of her glaring loss of substance! besides, everybody with a hold close on the honestly financial subject can see that neither political party is able to pulling u.s. out of this financial tailspin! If the RepCons win place of work, they'll in-turn blame their ineffectiveness on the guidelines of the past Adm. it is called a cycle, and unsurprisingly, creatures of habit are a fave purpose! If the two political events declare to be working interior the main suitable pursuits of this united states of america, then why do they deplete lots time and attempt attempting undermine the efforts of the different party? the yank Public made a extensive mistake by empowering the type of political representation it is extra all in favour of self-perpetuation than the main suitable pursuits of this united states of america!


Newt and Sarah are both trying to become the next Rush Limbaugh, not the next president.


Newt Gingrich is one of the most intelligent men in politics today. Our country would be blessed to have him as our President.

Bill Clinton made the decision to screw around with a VERY young page, and then lie about it while under oath. It had nothing to do with Newt.

Ken Starr was an INDEPENDENT council hired by CONGRESS.
** lol......Joel, Newt would make Obama look like a boy scout in any debate.


I find it odd that a Republican like Newt had an affair with somebody of the opposite sex.
It is not typical of Republicans to have sex affairs with members of the opposite sex.
They seem to prefer their own kind instead.

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