Can anyone help me tell Directv to take their service and shove it?

I am not a big TV addict. My watching is almost 99% local evening news and a movie. For many many years I have had to pay various satellite companies extremely high prices to get the stations I wanted. Their packages were filled with stations I would never watch. Basically I wanted my local Los Angeles stations and all of the movie channels. I did not want sports, shopping, gardening, religious and a host of other channels I had to pay for in order to get the channels I wanted.

With the creation of Netflix I found it fit my movie needs perfectly and I dropped all of the movie channels from my satellite provider and am now paying for their basic package which includes my local stationsl. However it is still too much money for the evening news.

Is there any website providing live streaming of the local Los Angeles channels. I have found two websites (free) and Satellite Direct ($49 one time) but they are not providing my news station. Can anyone recommend a website that might fit my needs? I would like to find a website that will provide up to the minute live broadcast not one that I can review dated videos.


To Poui, I guess that will be the next step if I cannot find them on the internet. It has been years since I have received anything over the airwaves.


Favorite Answer

I have cable; it's all that we can have in the apartment complex where I live - no dishes allowed on the roof, etc. But it's a Monster company to deal with - would never recommend it to anyone.

More to the point, my care-giver is very knowledgeable about such things, and is scheduled to come next Friday, day after tomorrow. I'll ask him if he has anything to recommend; and if he does, will edit on.

EDIT: Friday morning - my care-gvier 'L"s recommendations:

"There should be a direct web site to the news channel's stories; its a pretty standard thing now. But it's up to the station how up to date the streams are.

Most update daily, and I see no reason while a major metropolotian news channel like that wouldnt have that capability: so try that.

You also might try an "underground news" search. I find some of the news on there is "graphically" accurate; and hasnt been watered down by the corporate media - the TRUTH, the TRUTH, the TRUTH."


I'm sure you can renew, but you probably can't get special pricing. My contract was over and I was thinking about moving to dish network. I called DirecTV and let them know I was considering this move and asked if there was anything they could do to lower my bill (because I saw all of the "new specials"). They said the only thing they could do was lower my service package. Hmmm. So, I got a contract with Dish Network and called to cancel my DirecTV. When I called to cancel, all of a sudden they decided they could give me a discount. I let them know that it was too late because I had already signed a contract with Dish. THAT'S why I called them before doing anything. They missed their opportunity.


If all you want is your local stations, why can't you receive them over the air?

If you have an HDTV, many stations broadcast HDTV signals over the air, so I doubt you'd notice much of a difference in quality over DirecTV as long as you get a good signal in your area.


I'm too much of a junkie on Discovery, ID, Animal Planet, etc ... I wish there were "packages" that let you choose.

Then I wouldn't have 150 useless English-language channels

... and 175 Mexican ones