For anyone who thinks the new Arizona law requiring people to submit to random checks of the legal residency is a good thing, could you do it?
Could you, right now with what you have on you or within easy reach prove that you are legally allowed to reside in the United States? Driver's Licenses and other state ID don't count, since they are issued to aliens and commonly forged. If the police asked for your papers right now, could you prove you belong here? If not would you calmly accept being arrested and held as a suspected illegal alien until someone found your birth certificate and got you out?
For the record, sitting within arms reach of me here at my computer desk is my US Passport. Issued only to citizens, and has my picture and identifying information.
So, readers of Y!A... your papers, please?
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Not right now, those important documents are kept at home only, but if I were to travel to Arizona I wouldn't think twice about taking my birth certificate and social security card with me. I'd rather not have those documents on me since I have been a victim of identitiy theft. Another interesting thing while visiting Arizona, I've been told by cops there that an i.d is not enough to prove that I am here legally because they can be forged.
SB1070 was once now not located unconstitutional, Obama and his puppet Holder / DOJ didn't sue AZ at the constitutionality of the regulation. A transitority injunction located on aspect of the regulation by way of Judge Boltin blanketed probably the most debatable (to authorized residents of Latin historical past) might be addressed by way of larger courts in view that Arizona is attractive the injunction.
Well, guess what... if the feds would protect the borders like they're supposed to do and keep illegals from getting into the country, then AZ wouldn't have to make such a law to protect their state.
What the feds should have done from the beginning is punish the people who hire illegals. Fine the employers heavily or throw them in jail for a while and take away the profits they made by hiring illegals. If no one hires illegals, then what would be their reason for coming to the U.S.?