Should we need Animal Shelters?

I need a little help for my persuasive essay. So, please give me ideas how to make a persuasive essay with this topic with counter arguments, reasons, and evidence. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

I actually work at an animal shelter and I say YES! Absolutely... Animal shelters are here for the public and animals. Unfortunately there are so many animals that need homes and not enough homes. Since the economy has dropped we've seen the number of animals turned in sky rocket up.

Sadly there are people that simply need to get rid of their pets whether it be due to financial reasons, moving, dogs temperament or behavior, unexpected litters, sometimes expected litters where the owners realized a little late that sometimes puppies a little harder to rehome than first assumed. Sometimes it’s just that they simply don't want the animal.

People will find ways to get rid of their pet... whether it be one way or unfortunately another. Some just don't care. If there weren't animal shelters... there would be nobody to take them in and animals would be let loose.

We'd have epidemics of rabies (wild/feral unvaccinated packs of dogs/cats and more risk of rabies); we would have feral packs which would be a danger to the public and to be honest even spreading disease among themselves. Simply look at Mexico. I go back home to visit family and my heart breaks to see so many stray dogs full of mange, sick, hungry, injured, and pregnant, with nobody to take them in/ care for them/ or put them out of their misery. There aren't really any shelters in Mexico.

Some people have this awful image of shelters because they euthanize but if we realistically look at every option... there really aren't many. True no kill shelters are REALLY picky about what they take in, and Rescues sometimes are also full or picky. And think about the amount of animals coming in daily and the amount getting adopted... They simply run out of space. Unfortunately every shelter works different but the ones that have had a chance to be adopted and haven't been, or the really old ones that nobody wants to take on, the cute but crazy dog that shows badly behind the bars (shivering, growling, and barking) are the candidates for euthanasia.

It's a sad reality and NOBODY likes it.... but it’s Reality. We need shelters and sometimes we need to euthanize.

I recommend people Spay/ Neuter, Adopt, and help foster for shelters. Kitten season has started and I can guarantee you that if your local shelter doesn't have enough foster to foster the thousands of kittens (yes per shelter) coming in... Then they will euthanize hundred and thousands of baby kittens. And if nobody adopts those fostered kittens than it's basically the same fate. Please people Spay, Neuter, and adopt. It's not a threat or a lie... it’s the truth


Without animal shelters we would have dead animals everywhere and the world would be overflowing with strays.