Has TTC killed your sex life?


alsoo done 2 ivf cycles! good luck ladys!
It killed it while we where trying hard and the IVF can also be a bit high maitanance with your sex life they tell you when and when not to have sex! Just to let you know! But all good now , have stopped ccyles for a few months to regain some normality in my life!

Fendi Girl2010-04-28T17:11:32Z

Favorite Answer

It was at first bc I was so obsessive and was charting & doing OPK, driving him nuts and putting on the pressure.
I realized what I was doing and what it was doing to our intimacy. I had to step back and focus on our relationship. We go on dates, spend lots of time with friends / family and just enjoy being together.

We have been ttc for 4 years, 4 failed IUI cycles and just started my stim injections for our first IVF.
Good Luck and many blessings your way!


hasn't killed it but it's not the same as it was! It's been 3 years for us, and we're doing IVF in june.

baby #2 due Jan 17th2010-04-28T18:05:21Z

yes it did i only have sex to have a baby its more of a job now and hes not liking it


no ...... why