Email not being sent out.?
I have tried to send emails and yahoo post a message saying OOPs, try again later. This has been going on since yesterday. Are any of you having this problem and when will it be fixed? Thanks. Poppy
I have tried to send emails and yahoo post a message saying OOPs, try again later. This has been going on since yesterday. Are any of you having this problem and when will it be fixed? Thanks. Poppy
Favorite Answer
Yeah, that kept happening to me yesterday, & Yahoo, including Y!A, have been slow & goofy all week.
If I owe anybody a letter, I probably tried to send it yesterday. Sounds like a good excuse, doesn't it? I do think I tried to e-mail you yesterday, Poppy, but it kept giving me that OOPs again & again.
Back arrow didn't work on this oops yesterday, Dee. That was wishful thinking on my part as I kept trying & trying & even trying 5 min later. Ah, well. It's another day now, & we'll see how it goes.
♥Dee W.
When this happens, I find that using using the ← arrow on the top left side of your screen & hitting send/submit again gets the email sent out.
It happened a few times & that's what worked for me!
Try it & see what happens when you see the old OOPs message!☺.
♥Dee W.
Yesterday I tried to post Q's and after 5 hours they were still stuck and I gave up.
I sent a note to yahoo but who knows. I haven't tried today and I don't think I will.
Dave M
It's why I consider this computer business a bit in the toy category - most toys tend to glitch allot - have a friend who is a day trader in stocks don't know how he puts up with the strain when his computer glitches in the middle of a trade also was reading where the crooks are ahead of the nerds in how to access info - real reassuring in putting allot of personal matter on your PC.
Poppy, I have that problem every once in awhile. It must just be a glitch. Annoying, but it happens sometimes. Better luck next time!