scrounging for labour dust..and a qu of course..?

hi ladies, as you know my due datew was the 26th april. I'm now 5 days late and was hoping I could ask you all to send me lots of Labour Dust. we are desperate to meet our little girl and I dont want to have to be induced if I can help it.

Thanks ladies.. and my question of course is.. how late did you go with your baby girls (1st pregnancies)?


Favorite Answer

Sending you lots of labour dust Hun!

I was 5 days late with D although actually according to the date my midwives wanted to use it was 10 days late as they like to use LMP unless there is more than a weeks difference.
My mum was 17 days late with her first. My sister was 8 days late.

Try not to worry too much about induction yet. I know a few people who have gone unto labour hours before being induced and that's very common.



I was born 2 days late, and so was my little sister. My best friend, Briana, is 17 right now, but last year, she had a baby. The baby was sooooooo cute, and she's called brooklynn. She was 2 weeks late.!! Don't worry, often late babies are healthy!


Good luck and heres a sprinkle of labour dust ::::::::::: Semen works better though =)-
It cant be long now.
With my little girl I gave birth on my due date.


Aww hunny i'm sure she will make an appearance very soon!

Sending you all the labour dust in the world!

Good Luck and keep us posted!



Your baby girl should be here any day now, how exciting and congratulations. My little girl was born three days before her due date.

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