How can I store my recipes that I find online?

I'd like to find software, either free/cheap and downloadable, that I would able to import recipes to. I find recipes online and would like to store them without having to retype them or have a huge bookmark folder, or a huge folder of printed out recipes. Mainly, these are recipes I'd like to try, not tried and true keepers!


Favorite Answer

I just have a word document that I copy and paste good recipes in to...when I modify a recipe, I make note of it below the orginal recipe. My favorite recipes are only a click away and I don't need any special software...

Have separate "like to try" and "keepers" word documents.

Big Bad Cam2010-05-04T17:27:59Z

i have a MS excel file titled "recipes" that I keep updating. The body of the document is about 100 links to recipes I've tried, and I use the cells to include a description of the recipe, my rating (1-10), and the type of food (chicken, pasta, desert, etc...) so I can sort them all when I'm in the mood for something specific. So far, it has worked great.

Nana Lamb2010-05-04T17:33:17Z

try this site I used its predecessor for several years and was very happy with it. This one is a bit more commercial, but will work just fine and best part is it is FREE! to use to stash recipes.