What are the best arbitrage, reselling opportunities?

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If a person has $1000, $5000, $10,000

What would the best products to retail and resell?
I'm not looking to rent any additional storage or office.


Favorite Answer

Arbitrage is the difference between prices in markets for instance either through FX differences or because prices are lower maybe because of manufacturing costs or by scales of economy. Look for manufacturers for instance that are overstocked and want to get rid of extra inventory.

Simple ways in my opinion are buying wholesale and selling retail. New models are popping up such as eyecare on the Internet or with a 1-800 number since costs are reduced when you don't have a physical location. Just tell the customer to send in his or her prescription from the eye doctor. You can have more designer eye wear and stock on hand this way without sacrificing for location.

Best products to resell or retail are the ones that are hot and selling or with the highest profit margins. In general, items that are hot are easier since you don't have to explain to the customer the product descriptions or service as much. Products that are hot are Wii games - start a Gamestop or similar business and trade old and new games - since you create an arbitrage or leverage having new games that gamers want and will sell you old games at a lower price. Can also do this with DVD's or Blueray.

Look for products that you are interested in since it will make you a better business person. For instance if you like Oprah maybe do a Oprah books - offer new and used books based on Oprah's book club. Or start a Harry Potter book club or Twilight since it's hotter now or Dr Suess if you have kids.

What can you buy and sell for a higher price is your question? Hottest rock band tickets - superbowl tickets NBA tickets, baseball - hottest toys for Christmas. Good luck!


Best Arbitrage Opportunities


The Economics Glossary defines arbitrage opportunity as "the opportunity to buy an asset at a low price then immediately selling it on a different market for a higher price." If I can buy an asset for $50, turn around and sell it for $75 and make $25 for my trouble, that is arbitrage. The $25 I gain represents an arbitrage profit.

Recently I have been purchasing trailers. Horse trailers, cow trailers, car trailers, etc. at yard sales, storage lots, personal sales. This week I bought a $2,500 dollar I turned for $3,100 in three days. Last week a discarded trailer, I turned around and donated and it was given back to me, too heavy. I sold it for $550 to someone who wanted to haul wood. Giving the trailer a name as a wood hauler sold it. Everyone else just looked at this very stout 16 foot trailer and rejected it.

Oh, I keep very good records and report my earnings, my car mileage expenses and any losses (so far none) would be necessary to protect what I'm doing.

Turning something is wonderful, giving useful uses gives it purpose and gives others ideas for additional usages.


Does "equal " opportunity mean that the extra points on civil service exams for being one will go away? How about job quotas and "diversity" ratios as well. Let them know that they are being cheated by the other side, and that you get a straight out fair shake with Conservatives. The message won't sound as pretty but it will be real.
