update.. 9 days overdue... induction booked on sunday...?

hi ladies. so just to update you i had my scan and sweep yesterday at 41+1. the scan showed baby is head down, engaged and is fine. she has enough fluid around her. the blood flow in the cord is good etc.
midwife gave me a sweep which had me bleeding instantly and spotted the rest of the day. its just settling down now this morning.
had some very strong braxton hicks and period pains last night, but nothing since. so it doesnt seem to have worked.
they have said i can have another sweep friday or saturday if i want one, and have booked me an indcution using prostagladin gel on sunday. they will administer that and see if it works within 6 hours .. if it doesnt they will apply it again and give it another 6 hours. if that doesnt work they will break my waters, and if that also doesnt get things going they will resort to a drip to induce me.
has anyone experienced this kind of induction? does it work, this gel? or is it going to be a bit of a nightmare?
what do you think the chances are of labour before sunday - they said she's fully engaged but my cervix is long and closed.. well a fingertip open.. but thats all...


i should mention i have been having reflexology, we have been having sex, i have done long walks, acupressure massage, aromatherapy, eating spicy food.. you name it we are doing it. we even walked 3 miles after the sweep yesterday and had sex and nothing. just braxton hicks.


am taking EPO orally not going to insert them as read that it is not safe and can be wrong dose.

Drinking disgusting raspberry leaf tea twice a day at least too.


Favorite Answer

I had that type of induction with baby #1 at 41 weeks, and it worked after the 2nd dose of Prostin gel. My cervix was also completely closed and long, and I had not lost my mucous plug or had any other signs that things were imminent. Once the Prostin gel started to work, my labour progressed quickly and without any problems - it was all over in 5 hours! Good luck, and I hope you have a quick labour like me. xx


I do know of a friend that requested to be induced early, because she was so sure of the baby being too big for her, despite ultrasounds saying otherwise (so, it was an early induction, at around 39 weeks). This is purely her experience, I know it's different for every woman, so I just thought to let you know one possible outcome.

Anyway, they started with the gel. First day, it did not work, so she was sent home.
Tried the same thing the next day, no change.
Gel + cervix ripening device (almost like a tampon so I'm told) was used the next day, again did not work.
Gel , broken waters and Pitocin drip the next day, hard contractions, yet no baby.
Day 5 of attempted induction led to a c-section as they can't leave you longer than 24 hours with broken waters, that baby simply wasn't willing to budge (but he was much earlier than 9 days overdue!)

I hope for your sake it suddenly starts up and happens by Sunday on it's own! I guess no one can really say, it would happen literally within minutes, or it might even start up the morning of your induction. You never know!

EDIT: I should have added I in no way support induction for the heck of it (which I know is not the case in your situation!) plus I am surprised an Australian doctor even agreed to try early induction.


Sorry dont have personal experience to add to but my midwife has recommended (once I get to due date) to insert evening primrose oil tablets inside as helps ripen cervix and is safe and natural (may help). Also I know its late now but if you can get your hands on a copy of Ina May Gaskin "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" it is a very good book and talks a lot about visulisation and almost meditation to help your cervix open. Im really into this sort of spiritual 'airy fairy' stuff so find it very interesting, just a suggestion. Im also drinking raspberry leaf tea, it isnt supposed to bring on labour but again can ripen cervix and help uterus muscles I think.
Try and relax ( I know this must be hard, Im already feeling impatient and not due til next week!)
At least you know whatever happens it is just days until you get to meet your wonderful little baby, how exciting!!!
Take care :)


Every induction is different even for the same mom. Hopefully, it wont be a nightmare for you. By the time you go in for your induction you will almost be 42 weeks and you cant stay pregnant much longer. Besides having your cervix sweeped or in other terminology have your membranes stripped, you could try intercourse - there are prostaglandins in sperm and that could help kick you into labor or at the very least make your cervix more favorable for induction.

Lucky Lady2010-05-05T19:20:55Z

You poor thing! You must be so very ready for her to be here so you can meet here. I imagine so fed up and uncomfy!! I obviously have no experience with induction but I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts EVERYDAY and I wish her a quick and easy arrival. I wish the same for you :) I cannot wait to hear the news :)

It will be soon honey so just hang in there this last little bit, not much longer now at all!! I have no words to describe my excitement, and no words to describe my happiness for you. I love you to bits xxxxx Thinking of you more than you know!!

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