Omar Chavez, brother of Cesar Chavez Jr. punched a guy to death.. how hard was that punch?

do you think it might happen again?

Mark-Andrew M 22010-05-08T14:04:29Z

Favorite Answer

It was not one single punch that killed his opponent, it was multiple punches which made him get a subdural hematoma, which is commonly known as "bleeding on the brain."

Whenever a death occurs is the boxing ring, it is virtually never due to a single punch (like in "Rocky 4" when Drago killed Apollo), almost all of the deaths occur due to an accumulation of punches which results in severe brain damage that forces the body into a coma and if the damage is not treated fast enough or if it is too severe to treat, the fighter will die and it usually takes a few days for the death to occur.

As far as if it will ever happen again- the answer is unfortunately yes. Deaths in the sport of boxing have happened for many years, they continue to happen today and they will continue to happen in the future. When you make your living punching a person to submission, you also risk getting punched numerous times and with all of those blows to the head, you risk serious injury or even death. It's unfortunate but it's the price that they're willing to pay in order to achieve fame and glory, make a living, and to please the fans (who are the ones who pay to see them fight).

Frank W2010-05-08T00:26:56Z

Boxing like most professional sports is filled with risks and tragedies so when something like this happens its haunting but its a reality that can and will happen sometimes.

The punch in question is on youtube, however I advise against it.

(But I know you already saw it)


I was pissed when i saw that video on youtube, the dumbass referee should've stopped the fight earlier. Marco Nazareth had a brain hemorrage. It will happen the world of boxing health is never safe.


Hard enough to kill.

It might. Expect to read stories like this in the future. It ain't new in this crazy world.