What is the word for breaking into spontaneous song and dance in a public place?

Apparently there is a word for it, but I forget what it is. Bugging the hell out of me. Groups of people who gather in a public place, pretending not to know each other... one of them starts singing... and then the others slowly join in. The next thing you know they're doing a dance routine. But there is apparently a word for it.

Travis D2010-05-11T10:43:02Z

Favorite Answer

That's called a flashmob.

It's been done a lot since Michael Jackson passed away. You should check the one out from stockholm to beat it, insane! Also there is one in Antwerpen train station.

Oh yeah, also loved the one from Oprah to I've Got A Feeling.


Spontaneous Song


HighSchoolMusical =]]

