Is Jesus Christ really GOD?

In Isaiah 9:7- it tells a child is born and is a prophecy for Messiah or Christ in Greek to come to Earth in the Virgin Mary, And also its says God, Eternal Father and more.
IN John 14:28 he says he came to earth because of his FATHER or GOD.
People get congfused with John1:1 that Jesus, the Word is a god, (not GOD)
Jesus is a god (not GOD) because of his powers but his FATHER is the MAJOR ALMIGHTY GOD Yes I am a JW, we believe in the Virgin Mary, Jesus as god (not God), Jehovah was removed back then in the Bibles just to prevent people learning his name.

Just something.


Haha, we do learn science and math, cause GOD created them of the atoms, cells, and that kind of stuff, but nowhere in the bible it says that man was created by evolution, but we do adapt to the environment when Adam and Eve were born perfect and then sinned.


If Jesus came to earth, then the Trinity is divided with just two heads, and if the Trinity came to Earth, then Jesus would have three heads.


Ok, we use other types of bibles too to disprove it, from Catholic to Protestants, except, other religions that have bibles that aren't christian.


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According to the Bible, the answer is NO.

How so? Well in Revelation 3:14 (supported by Colossians 1:15), Jesus is referred to clearly as "the beginning of the creation by God". Since it says that God's creative acts started with Jesus, that means Jesus was created. He was brought into existence BY God.....which clearly and simply means that Jesus CANNOT be God himself.


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Is Jesus Christ really GOD?
In Isaiah 9:7- it tells a child is born and is a prophecy for Messiah or Christ in Greek to come to Earth in the Virgin Mary, And also its says God, Eternal Father and more.
IN John 14:28 he says he came to earth because of his FATHER or GOD.
People get congfused with John1:1 that Jesus, the Word...


From the note on John 1:1 in the ESV Study Bible: "Some have claimed that “the Word was God” merely identifies Jesus as a god rather than identifying Jesus as God, because the Greek word for God, Theos, is not preceded by a definite article. However, in Greek grammar, Colwell's Rule indicates that the translation “a god” is not required, for lack of an article does not necessarily indicate indefiniteness (“a god”) but rather specifies that a given term (“God”) is the predicate nominative of a definite subject (“the Word”). This means that the context must determine the meaning of Theos here, and the context clearly indicates that this “God” that John is talking about (“the Word”) is the one true God who created all things (see also John 1:6, 12, 13, 18 for other examples of Theos without a definite article but clearly meaning “God”)."

You are also confused about the word Jehovah. It has never been removed from Bibles. The Hebrew word is more properly spelled Yahweh, or YHWH. Because the Hebrew people said "adoni" (Lord) instead of pronouncing the divine name the Hebrew word for YHWH is given the vowel pointing for the word "adoni." When the Hebrew Name is pronounced with the vowels for "adoni" it sounds like Jehovah. Jehovah is actually a mispronunciation of the Name YHWH.

Jesus is clearly shown to be God the Son from his statements that he and the Father are one, his control of nature, his feeding the 5,000 (recapitulates the mannah in the wilderness which was provided by YHWH), his control over evil spirits, his claim to forgive sins. The Pharisees of his day were extremely clear about who Jesus claimed to be. They knew he claimed to be God and that is why they sought to kill him.

Please find your way out of the JW, and seek help from a church that is biblically based and in line with the apostolic teaching of the Bible.


I guess to believe Jesus is God, you have to believe in the Trinity. God in three parts, the Holy Spirit, Father, and Son. They all are a part of God that make the whole.

Faith isn't always about logic, because the concept of God, other that personal feeling and conviction is hard to prove. God is many things to many people, no matter what you call him, but I believe it is as hard to deny God as it is to accept him. I just know the universe is just as hard to explain, but it is obviously out there and at the moment beyond our comprehension.

Yes, I believe Jesus is a part of God, and therefore is also God.


JW's are very confused because they use the NIV bible instead of the King James. Read Revelation 22:19 and then ask yourself, "how many words have been changed in this bastardized version of Gods word"? JW's are a cult that are not even allowed to question anything they are taught. Pray to God and ask him to deliver you form your Satanic church.

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