US Navy Chain of Command?

I have much of the 2010 Naval Chain of Command in order and who holds the offices:

President- Obama
Secretary of Defense- Robert Gates
Secretary of the Navy- Raymond Maybus
Chief of Naval Operations- Admiral Gary Roughead
Chief of Naval Training and Education- Vice Admiral Alfred G. Harms Jr.
NTC- Rear Admiral Ann E. Rondeau
CO, RTC- Rear Admiral Craig S. Faller
XO, RTC- Captain Harry J. Hinden
Director of Training- ????
All the rest I am assuming I will find out in Bootcamp...

Does anyone know the Director of Training? I have looked and looked and either get different results, or no results at all. I know I am not researching this incorrectly, but apparently I am not doing it sufficiently. Any help will do. Thank you!


Favorite Answer

•Naval School Training Commander: Rear Admiral Sharpe , USN
That's who it was when I went through and that's what I'm still seeing.