Which is the best diaper pail?

I got the first years clean air system for my first child, it stopped working and my son's room would smell horrible unless I emptied it right away. I'm pregnant with my second baby now and I am going to buy a new diaper pail, which, in your opinion, is the best?

I'm asking this in the toddler section because I know all of you have had experience with this subject!
thanks in advance!


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i wrap the dirty diapers from my son in a wal mart bag and toss them in the trash...ive found its better then any of the supposed odor stopping pails ive tried and ive tried a few of them, from the diaper genie right on up. a plastic bag is cheaper (you bring your groceries home in it you may as well put it to use.) and simpler, and keeps more of the smell down then those that i tried.


I tied mine into a doubled grocery sack and tossed it in the trash - since we take the trash out every night, it didn't have time to get all stinky.

I never did waste my time with a diaper pail, seemed a needless expense when grocery bags do just fine lol


I love my diaper Genie II. I don't mind buying the refills, and I have never had a smell problem. My daughter is now mostly potty trained, but I'm hesitant to get rid of it!


i dont think you should buy one at all! all you have to buy is scented disposable diaper bags, you can find them in like the dollar store, maybe even walmart and target. you put the dirty diaper in the bag, tie it up and place in your trash can. Trust me, no matter how many diapers you have in the trash ca,. it won't smell!

Max, Colt, Liam, Madi, Gwen2010-05-13T03:13:18Z

I have a diaper genie II and i love it, it works great and i used it for my older son and i am using it for my twin boys and it works perfectly still.

Hope this helps, :D

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