What is wrong with racial profiling?

If a bank gets robbed and the suspect is a white male in 30’s with a mustache and red hat. What is the description on TV? A male robbed a bank today – we get more information on the getaway vehicle than we do the suspect.

In my opinion if you know terrorist are of the Muslim religion why wouldn’t you look for Middle Eastern people that fit the description rather than an 80 year old lady.
I read the newspaper and the suspects in crimes are never identified as White – African American – Latino – Asian etc.
If you know a certain ethic group is in the country illegally why wouldn’t you profile that ethnic group?
Has the political correctness of our society swung too far to ask these questions or will I OFFEND someone?


Okay call me old fashion, but there were days when a Law Enforcement Officer could actually do his job and go sleep at night and not worry if he will land up on the 11 o'clock news. If are asked by a officer of the law to do something you did it. Now if he shoots after a machine gun goes off over his own head he has to answer to I.A. was it correct to shoot back! Or if he yells halt and the person does not halt, well that is okay we will put him in a time out corner when we get him.
Come on people start waking up. This has nothing to do with RACE! It has to do with how much education do you really need in your life time to learn Respect for yourself and others.


Anyone could a be a terrorist or criminal regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, etc. You can't focus on just one group because someone is going to slip through the cracks. The system has enough flaws as is, adding racial profiling won't help.

Boxy Brown2010-05-14T21:28:03Z

You conservatives say you want less government involved in our lives but you support unconstitutional laws that gives them the authority to stop and ask you for your papers just because of your race. Why, because you know the chances of them stoping a white person are slim to none.


Profiling is a built in safety mechanism for humans
See a snake, avoid it.
See a bear, run away.

However, Hollywood and one specific race of men are using racial profiling in their favor and against others. Hence, modern day profiling is artificial and highly unnatural result of Hollywood and a group of selfish men.


thats not the same as stopping someone because they look hispanic

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