What does your cat do when...?

he is trying to get your attention? (mine plays ding dong ditch! LOL)


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Anything they can possibly do, especially if I'm on the phone, on the computer or if I have company. They have no scruples.

My Evil Twin2010-05-25T23:00:01Z

We have ten cats, most of them will simply meow when whey want something.
Murray likes to sneak up on the sofa behind me and meow loudly in my ear when I'm on the computer. He likes to try and make me jump, lol!
Cheeto will walk up to me and leans heavily against my leg when he wants to be held.
Stubbs rubs my leg, meows, and when I look down at him he reaches up which means "pick me up!" He & Cheeto are cuddlers.
Jasmine will wait until one of us walks toward the bathroom and then run past us and jump up on the sink, meowing for someone to turn on the water so she can get a drink.

wonderfully scarred2010-05-25T22:46:49Z

LOL thats funny. Mine jumps on my lap or shoulders while I'm at the computer or while I'm (ops! here he is! he says what's up), while I'm in bed, he'll get on my chest and pat my face.


As of right now he's using one paw to grab onto my shirt and pull himself up while reaching for my face with his other paw. And all this is going on while he's laying down. RIght before that he was licking my elbow. I don't know which bothers me more. :-p

Tut Uncommon: 3peat Offender2010-05-25T22:48:40Z

Jumps into my lap, loses his balance, and sinks his claws three quarters of an inch into my leg.

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