AM I wrong? 40+ weeks pg..?

Sorry it is a bit long.....
I had a dr. appt today and baby passed the u/s except my fluid went from 10 on Monday to 5.4 today and I was told to head up to the hospital to be induced, she also failed the NST in the office. So off to the hospital we went to be induced. Instead we get there and they do another NST. Baby passed it with flying colors. The dr. then told me my fluid wasn't low enough to consider it an emergency and they only had one bed left and they had to keep it open for emergencies. I couldn't believe how they explained it to us, basically sorry your just not important enough. I was then told they have no spots for tomorrow but they can SQUEEZE me in on Friday, like it was some kind of favor on their end. I was p*ssed!!! Seriously, my dr. makes this big deal at the office and I am told today is induction day, to the hospital making me seem like I was less than important.

The dr. came back in and said she wanted to check me. I asked if she had to as they just checked me 2 hours before at the office and she said yes she wanted to feel for herself. So she checked me (again) and said my cervix isn't ready (60% effaced, 1 cm dilated) and that the baby's head was waaayy up. So now she tells me they are going to call me between 5 and 6 tomorrow night and have me come in to start cervadil. And then Friday morning we will get the pitocin. Why they couldn't just give me a time to come in was because they have to make sure there is enough room for me!

So here I am back home, worried because of the low fluid but feeling completely un-important and ticked off!

Am I wrong? They worry me enough at the office about the fluid being low and then brush me off at the hospital like I am an inconvenience to them! I have borderline low fluid and I am not leaking. Where the heck does 5 ounces of fluid disappear to in less than 48 hours!!


Ethel, I can't drink more water, I would drown! I've been staying hydrated and I know they aren't sending me home in a dangerous situation, I just don't like the way I was treated. I trust my doctors, but I don't appreciated being treated like I am un-important.
Also I was induced with my first, labored for 40 hours and then had her. I know it doesn't always go how you want it and it could end in a section. I'd prefer the induction instead of something going wrong in between then and now. It is not like I am 37 weeks and begging to be induced. I am past my due date and losing fluid. A pretty good reason to be induced over waiting it out.


It's crazy how some doctors can treat people! Aggh. Well, on the plus side, I wouldn't worry too much. I was sent to fetal assessment twice in the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy because they thought my fluid was low (it really is scary!) At my doctors office, they just have an old, small, ultrasound machine.. So they couldn't always be certain. That could be your case, too. There's was just very petite and fuzzy.. The one at f/a was more big and clear, and they could get a better measurement. Don't stress to much and best of luck!!


I completly understand your point of view. The doctors should have discussed the decission to send you to hospital in more detail. They basically got you all excited about meeting your new baby and getting the whole pregnancy mess over with to just turn around and shrug you off.....but stay positive you only have about a day and a half left and you will be holding your little miracle.... Congradulations


You're wrong, it's best for you to wait since you're not ready and the fluid isn't low and the fetus is happy. Drink more water, be glad your doctor is prudent (the fluid goes through your kidneys and into the toilet and out your pores when you sweat, drink more water).

Really, this is for the best - better to avoid an unnecessary c-section - which is what inductions will take you to if you're not ready.


i'd be ticked off, too! let them know that from now on, no more change in plans! i understand the hospitals point of view, i understand the offices and of course i understand you! what i don't understand is that THEY needed to change the plan and made YOU feel bad for it! so also tell them next time they get condescending, that it is not appreciated and very unnecessary!