What is your favorite baseball team (research poll day 3, please read details inside)?

So, everyday for the next week I will be submitting this question from around 8-9pm East Coast Time. This is mainly to figure out how many fans from each team there are in this section. I will compile all the data and submit the results as a question the following day. I will leave the link to the question on my profile too.


1. PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION ONLY ONCE. I want the most accurate results possible. I will be keeping track of who answers the questions, so if you answer this question today, DO NOT answer it any other day. Also, if you answered it yesterday (or the day before), then DO NOT answer it today.

2. PLEASE STAR THE QUESTION EACH DAY. I want this question to spread around Y!A as much as possible. I'm trying to get as many participants as possible, for the most complete results.

So without further adieu, here's the simple question you've heard so much on this section:

***** What is your favorite baseball team? *****

Thank you for your time. And please remember to star the questions each day, and answer only once. On Monday, June 7th make sure to look for the results around 8-9pm East Coast Time.

One quick side note: If this question gets deleted, it will take an extra day for me to finish.

REMEMBER: If you answered this exact same question previously then DO NOT answer it now. But please star the question though.


Favorite Answer

The Los Angeles Dodgers. That's right.


The Minnesota Twins


White Soxs


Houston Astros


Boston Red Sox

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