When did you show in 2nd pregnancy?

I am currently 13 weeks 2 days pregnant. With my 1st pregnancy I got a tiny bump at like 4 months but only started to "show" at like 5-6 months. I understand that many times women show early with their 2nd babies since things are already "strecthed out" persay, but I was wondering when? I already have a decent size bump and my belly button is popped out already (which didnt happen until almost 6-7 months with my 1st)

I am anxious for my next appointment in 11 days so midwife can measure me and ensure all is well, and rule out twins, lol.

Also, I am slender, starting this pregnancy 5'6" 125 lbs, about the same as my 1st pregnancy


Oh! And I gained 5 lbs so far


Favorite Answer

I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and I'm already showing!! I also started showing at around 5-6 months with my 1st. But this time.. wow.. everyone can tell that I'm pregnant. (My belly button has also popped out, which my 2 year old loves to poke at).

I am slender also and have gained 4 Kg's so far, I'm trying my very hardest to eat healthy and not gain TOO much weight this time as last time I was like a beached whale near the end lol.

Good luck with your next appointment! Do you want to be having twins?


I started showing with my second pregnancy at about 6 months and I was having twins. It was the same with my first pregnancy with just the one. You are showing early from my view and it could be twins because you are more likely to show earlier with them. I just didn't