What is the best wine cooler drink?

What is the best wine cooler drink? Name, brand, etc.


John - up yours. I am going to tailgate and that's the easiest "girly" drink that I could think of.


Favorite Answer

Fuzzy Navel, pretty much any brand is yummy :)


If you like sweeter wine drinks, make you own sangria. It's pretty easy (and cheap), you throw some fruit and such in the wine, and voile you have a mature version of the wine cooler. Here's a particularly sweet recipe
* 1 Bottle of red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rioja, Zinfandel, Shiraz)
* 1 Lemon cut into wedges
* 1 Orange cut into wedges
* 1 Lime cut into wedges
* 2 Tbsp sugar
* Splash of orange juice or lemonade
* 2 Shots of gin or triple sec (optional)
* 1 Cup of raspberries or strawberries
* 1 Small can of diced pineapples (with juice)
* 4 Cups ginger ale
Pour wine into a large pitcher and squeeze the juice wedges from the lemon, orange and lime into the wine. Toss in the fruit wedges (leaving out seeds if possible) and pineapple then add sugar, orange juice and gin.
Then let it sit in you fridge for a while, the longer you leave it the more the wine infuses with the fruits. Add ginger ale, berries and ice just before serving.


A favourite that I have always done since time in the wine trade is a home-made Pimms. Get a bottle of red vermouth (it's not expensive) and make it up with some ice, lemonade and (if you want) a spirit- vodka or gin.


warsteiner premium beer warsteiner compagnie (beer is always the best drink)