Teen Sex question?????????????????

I was friends with a boy at primary school and I loved him so much it hurt as a friend. Then I didnt see him for 4 years from age 10 to 14. Then on the first day of school we were arriving at school at the same time, and he was checking me out but didnt say hello. As soon as we got into school he came up to me and kept saying "kinky".
Then they read the seating arrangement out, and we found we had to sit next to each other. He pushed the table up with his pencil and then raised his eyebrows at me. Which was his way of asking me to have pretend sex with him (what teenagers do, with their clothes on). So he hadnt seen me in 4 years and he walked straight upto me and asked me to do a sex act with him without even saying hello.
Then we found we had to walk home from the bus stop together. He walked on the other side of the road, and didnt speak to me the whole time. Completely ignored me, except when I stopped and stroked a cat, and he said "huh!". I said "dont you like cats?" and he said "yeah, pussy."
Next day he came and sat next to me on the bus and shrugged his shoulders at me. Again that was his way of asking me to have pretend sex.
On the third day he walked straight upto me and didnt say hello, he just said "dont you ever feel like a good w.a.n.k.?" and then pointed to my friend and said "she does don't you".
I felt totally heartbroken, because this was someone who was important to me, whom I loved. Especially as that was the first line he'd spoken to me in four years.
I didnt tell him I was upset because I didnt want to upset him, so I just walked off. But the next day when he came and sat next to me on the bus - again asking me to have pretend sex with him - I stormed off to the other side of the bus. He said "women, everywhere I go, they leave" and I turned round and said "you have that affect on them!", and then realised the bus was full of his friends, and I'd publicly humilihated him. Which was unforgivable because his mother doesnt love him, has always neglected him and been nasty to him, and now she has cancer and is going to die. So that was the very worst thing I could have said.
I should have said something to stop him looking foolish but I didnt, I just ran off the bus and left him there looking a fool in front of his friends, upset and humilihated. Which was unforgivable.
And apparantly he didn't have a clue why I was upset because the next day he said "don't you even swear?" so apparantly he thought the reason I was upset was that he'd asked me to have pretend sex and I was too goody goody to do it with anyone.
I feel terrible about hurting him. He didnt mean to offend me and he wasn't aware he was being offensive. Was I right to be upset?


Favorite Answer

this wasn't really a big deal to be upset about.

he was just being immature and trying to show off in front of his friends and you gave him what he deserved, you saying you shouldn't have said anything because him mum has cancer is like he can do what he wants and get away with it.
his actions have nothing to do will his mums illness.

if you are really that annoyed about it tell him to stop being an immature jerk and talk to you like an normal human being and if you think he is trying to have this pretend sex thing with him tell him your not interested..

