What company makes the best solar ovens?
Can someone tell me their experiences with solar ovens and what company made the oven?
Can someone tell me their experiences with solar ovens and what company made the oven?
Favorite Answer
We have 2 at work, and I set them up side by side to see which performed better. The Global Sun Oven heated up much faster, and got much hotter than the Tulsi Hybrid oven. The SunOven got up to 325F and the Tulsi got up to 250F. I also think the Sun Oven handles wind better than the Tulsi.
You can buy either one here, http://www.altestore.com/store/Energy-Efficient-Products/Solar-Ovens/c669/
Himin Solar is one of the companies that make the best solar ovens.
This one is getting pretty good reviews