If one majors in marine biology, what are the careers available in that field?

Must one live on a boat and dive to collect data or are there other things as well?

Bubble `Tea.2010-06-08T18:41:45Z

Favorite Answer

There are some different careers, and I am only going to choose the ones I can think of right now.


You know, at Marine Land and stuff, when you train dolphins and orca whales... though orcas are sometimes known to kill trainers....


I have no idea what it's proper name is, but you could work at an aquarium and feed the fishies, or help them with sicknesses and other stuff like that.

Keep on looking though, Google it, Bing it, whatever-the-hell it. But don't limit yourself to a narrow path, because there may be a wide range of possibilities if you go for it.
