My gf's dad caught us kissing?

So here is the story, me and my girlfriend met in the most random way however we started dating even though her parents were against it for 5 MONTHS,.,5 months of begging and sneaking and all that,,,It basically was so hard but we made it through because we really love each other..however after these 5 months we made it...she told her mom that we were dating (she was shocked) but her mom loved me..she told her dad (he was the one saying a HELL NO from the beginning) however he was really nice to me..he didn't show that he hated me when i was around him or when i was taking her on dates.
a month later we went to celebrate her birthday at her family's house after blowing the candles and giving her a beautiful white gold ring we basically were watching tv..and i just leaned to give her a kiss, her dad suddenly walked in..he was like "having fun?" we didn't even dare to answer when we went home her dad told her that its either me or him and now BOTH her parents think that we could no see each other her mom said "i love him, but if you guys stayed together you would of slept with him, which is not right", however we weren't gonna sleep together anytime soon..
NOW i cant even talk to her without her sneaking...I NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO HER DAD for not involving him and talking to him about it from the beginning COULD SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE ME a very nice apology letter..shes the love of my life and i don't think i could let go of her and i don't think its fair to be accused of something like that, im not with her just for sex..could anyone PLEASE help me..asap THANK YOU SO MUCH


I know i got nothing to lose..but i dont know how to start an apology letter...and i AM dealing with the world strictest parents! can you help me start the letter?


Favorite Answer

First, you will need to calm down; you have done nothing, absolutely nothing wrong - he is actually being illogical thinking you did. The text is between the lines and read it all to see the effect of it.

You know, I do not think that I have anything to apologies for; I could have done like most men and write a whole text on how sorry I was, but I didn't considered lies as being sincere apologies - this would have been more than disrespectful. Before you let yourself get invaded by some ideas or feelings, please, listen until I am done and forgive my method, because, to tell you, I do not know any other which is more soft.

It's obvious that here, we disagree and I am not here to win over you the right to be with your daughter; I am rather here to explain you something and I come with as less arrogance as I came and forgive my errors if I do sound disrespectful , arrogant or pretentious to you - none of those words are meant to impose any law over your judgment; take it as an advise, if you may wish.

I know how the words of a young man like me doesn't echo far in your mind and how explaining my feelings will not push very far the reflection, but let it be heard, that, of your daughter, the only thing I want is a chance to tell her how I love her, a chance to express that to her. Sir, what I mean is that I am in love with her and that she is in love with me; do I need your permission to tell her something which is meant to be good, do I need to make legitimate an act which already is better than its counter part; I think not.

You saw me kissing her and, as much of a choc it is to you, understand that not all men's heart are made of stone and mine is not; I am not with her to touch her body without touching her heart like you have accused me of. It's not as much the error and the name you give to me which saddens me, it's rather the wrong it dealt.

I am certain that you are convinced of choosing rightly and I am well aware of how hard it is to remained focused without falling into stubbornness which may lead someone to keep making mistakes and you may have all the reasons on Earth to distrust me. You simply want to avoid pointless pain to her and that is more than honorable. However, before you condemn me, give me a chance to act rightly. We do not know anything of one another - neither me of you, nor you of me - and the only idea we carry of the other is the present situation. Let yourself a chance to know me and give myself a chance to be a good guy.

Believe me, it was every bit as hard to do as it seemed, but as I said, I love her and that worth every single effort I make. I don't know if I changed anything in your mind and if I no longer appear as the same to your eyes, but all I could do is what I have done - presenting me as I am and being as honest as I could - for the rest, I cannot do anything, but hope.

This is a text which is meant to change his mind setting from "you owe me apologies" to " you owe me to act right." The text is entirely based on an opposition and it is taylor made to avoid confrontation and allow the listener to think without being stubborn. It has the advantage to be perfectly honest, remain logical and never play on feelings... no one can reproach you of trying hard and they will never complain about you being perfectly sincere to them - this may actually play on your side to gain his thrust.

I'll explain you how it works. See how many opposition marker I have used, how many semicolon are inserted? I make small concessions, I give him what is right and true in his actions and thoughts. Notice also how I repeatedly ask him to forgive the errors, to not bother about certain things, etc.. those are meant to have him do one thing: NOT bother about the form, the style and simply bother about the content - what it says and not how it is said.

The last thing i want to bring your attention on is how I made this text evolve in three phases; in the first one, I confront; later I explain; finally, I reconcile.

I spent my days writing those things and be certain that I rarely come across people who simply bother about what is written and about logic; I need to use those structures a lot. It works to a certain extend - it will depend on how well you say it and how stubborn he is. If he is reasonable, even just a bit, you have all the chances on Earth that it works.


Ouch! Sounds like your in deep.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. (last name),

I am sorry for kissing your daughter that night. I know how much you love her, and how much you want whats best for her. I would do the same thing if I had a daughter. But I assure you, I would never use your daughter for any purpose except to fill her heart with love. I really like your daughter sir. And I would wouldn't want to harm her in any way. But I love her. I have never felt this way with anyone before. I am sorry I kissed her without talking about it with you. I may not know what connection a father has with his daughter, but I know it must be strong. I don't think anything could become you two. I am sorry to have lost your trust. Especially yours Mrs. (Last name). You gave me a chance when no one else would. Please just let me date your daughter again. Knowing her, she won't let me do anything she didn't feel comfortable with, and I would never ever pressure her. It was not in our interest to have sex. She looked beautiful, and I wanted to kiss her. But I am sorry. I should have told you how far our relationship was going. All I am asking is to let me date your daughter again. I know we are both crushed that we can't see each other.

Best Regards,
Your name

I just thought this at the top of my head. I know its what I would want to hear if this was my daughter. Good Luck!


You should approach her dad and tell him you're offended.

Seriously, you need to tell that man that you're smart enough to know that sex will not be happening and you're offended that he would even compromise your and her integrity like that. I had a dad accuse me of that once, (which we were) and I straight up told him that he doesn't need to disrespect me like that and that I've worked hard to make sure that we were never even in a position or circumstance where that was possible...

Don't apologize... you did nothing wrong.


The way I see it, her parents need to really take it easy now. I mean come on, how old are you guys? They need to realize that you aren't going to have sex or do anything crazy like that due to the fact that you are mature enough to realize the consequences of sex, you have more respect for them than to do that, and that with how on edge they are about you guys, you wouldn't dare do that! A kiss is a kiss, and it's not that bad. I kissed my girlfriend right in front of my mom and she doesn't care. As long as we aren't rolling around getting pregnant my parents are cool with us at least kissing. Her parents are being disrespectful and judgmental just expecting their daughter to sleep with someone. They need to talk to her about these kinds of things instead of just expecting her to do them and keeping her in a cage completely heart broken. Even if they set boundaries like when you go over you can't go in her room then that's understandable. They need to set these boundaries instead of just holding her back. They need to trust you both, bottom line. But like I said, a kiss is not that bad. When it comes to an apology letter, just try to sum up what I said in your own words, or what ever you want to add. Hope this helps.

Joe D2010-06-08T20:00:19Z

I think you should start with the last paragraph of what you wrote.
...I NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO HER DAD for not involving him and talking to him about it from the beginning COULD SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE ME a very nice apology letter..shes the love of my life and i don't think i could let go of her and i don't think its fair to be accused of something like that, im not with her just for sex.

You seem like a really nice kid and if your first instinct is to apologize to the dad, you are really a good person at heart and have a lot of respect for her parents. I think the letter is a nice idea because you can get your thoughts out, though I think you would get the most maturity/sincerity bonus points if you called the house and asked to speak to the parents alone when she is not there. And you tell them everything face to face that you want to say- youc an leave the letter with them in case you can't get the words exactly right. However, a grown up, mature thing is to have a face to face conversation. And include the mom in it because if she really liked you from the beginning, you want to get her back on your side so she can work on the dad for you. Stay respectful but be persistent in how you care for their daughter. Offer to continue seeing her at first under their supervision so they regain trust with you. Good luck- I bet you will succeed!

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