VB Help Required (11 Points for best answer, 3 points for each useful suggestion)?
I'm making an application using VB6.0 Version.
In this applicaiton I'm Using ADODB data connection. but ADODB is limited I can't access it over the WEB or outside of my NETWORK.
is there any thing by which i can chage ADODB Connection to RDO or I Can reconfigure ADODB so that I can Aproach to database through internet.
FYI: I'm almost completed my software so if I will have to shift to RDO I may be required to change huge sets of coding as per RDO.
Thanks for Advance
Databases are created using MSACCESS-(2007 & 2010 Version)
Ok...! But How to configure it for remote machine i.e. not on Network.
1. Programatically
2. Through ODBC