Should Dems change from "Give us your money and we'll take care of you." to "Just give us the money, honey!"?

With nice-n-steady 10% unemployment, and spending that is beyond out of control (I know, I know, they HAD to do it! lol), I don't see a whole lotta taking care of going on, do you?

And, please, spare yourself the embarrassment of thinking that the health care boondoggle they rammed through is going to "take care of" anyone once the true costs are out in the full light of day.

Dem Party = Tax & Spend Party. Ain't nuthin' new there, though, is there.


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They may as well...look at the ink they will save.


The health care reform legislation is robbery at gun point. At this rate we can't afford taxes because it's going to cause more companies to cut jobs and people out of work can't afford more taxes on basic necessities. Going to the grocery store now for food for your family is like buying a luxury item. It's obvious Democrats don't care about anyone either.


D,The God of the Bible that's particularly sparkling,according to how "In God We have faith" ended up on our funds. interior the throes of the chilly conflict our Congress enacted the finished "In God We have faith" motto,in direct action to make a stance against those "Godless Communists" It replaced into in no way debated as though it might desire to recommend something different than the "God of the Bible" of direction in later years many have tried to declare that's some "universal God",because they now know that the "In God We have faith" motto,and the adjustments that have been completed to the Pledge Of Allegiance on the comparable time,are in direct violation of the business enterprise Clause of the U. S. shape. Obama666

Real Patriot2010-06-16T10:54:45Z

Sure why not? and the Republican party can say give the rich your money, work for free, we will take care of you. We won't let you starve. Both parties suck! There is no viable worthy party in America, not tea, nor green, none.


No caretaking, no nanny state.
That's because the Democrats are NOT liberals.

Liberals would also have environmental protection,
green public transit,
a living wage as minimum wage,
an end to the drug war
an end to the Iraq occupation,
an end to the Afghanistan occupation.

The Democrats refer to the "war" in Iraq and you did not get any of the above from them!

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