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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why are Al Gore and David de Rothschild "teaching" us about global warming instead of scientists?

Especially when people like David Mayer de Rothschild knows less about science than most of us do? He said that the reason why Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are all experiencing warming and melting ice caps is because they're "closer to the sun" than Earth--they're not. How can someone who doesn't know basic science/astronomy write books on global warming to "educate" us? And are the Rothchilds and Rockefellars advocates that we can trust?

Update 2:

Bob: So why are the other planets experiencing warming and melting? That's a scientific fact.

Update 4:

How's our natural CO2 emmissions affecting those planets, or is it the sun like scientists are saying?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyone wants a clean earth. When people hear other people say that humans are destroying the earth, they naturally are concerned and want to do something about it. Al Gore, David DeRothschild, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and the other powerful elites around the world are aware of our human nature, and they exploit it - for financial gain, but mainly for power. They already have all of the money in the world and shares in the corportion that prints the money (Imagine if you could print your own money!).

    They are proponents of world government - a world government in which they are in charge. They are using global warming to push their agenda on us - and if you aren't naive enough to go along with it, you are ridiculed and silenced.

    I am glad to see that some people aren't taking the bait, despite the pressure and constant propaganda.

    Have you noticed that the establishment has really beefed up the climate change propaganda, or "mass persuasion campaign" (sounds like brainwashing to me)?

    These people are brainwashing a whole new generation of Americans in the public schools. They are teaching our children to be good little slaves, and by pandering to the lowest common denominator, dumbing them down (probably enough to make them oblivious to the fact that Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are NOT closer to the Sun). The schools are constantly searching them and treating them like prisoners. My nephew, 6 years old, committed a though crime the other day (he said that something was "gay") and was sent to the principal's office. If you have children in public school, GET THEM OUT NOW!

    There is an alterior motive for everything they do that appears good on the surface. Women's liberation, for instance, sounds like a great thing, but it had a purpose for the elites as well - to get both men and women working and paying the Federal Income Tax (which is unconstitutional for most US citizens), and to get children into their training camps at an even younger age. Have you noticed that it takes two middle-class workers to support a family now, whereas it used to only take one? They use the media to manipulate society. "Ms. Magazine" was bankrolled by the CIA and the Rockefeller foundation, among others. The Council on Foreign Relations is made up of powerful and influential men and women, and they use their influence to push their agenda. Most of the Presidential candidates were CFR members - and the only ones who were considered viable and given any attention by the mainstream media were the CFR members. Of course, now we are down to Hillary, Obama, and McCain, all of whom are CFR members.

    They will soon try to convince us that we need to have our medical history in a microchip implanted in us. They have already started the propaganda. What do you think all of this talk about government-run health care is about? They want to take control of health care...and then, perhaps 10 years down the road, in order to get the health care, you will need to have your medical history implanted (it will just make things so much more convenient when the hospitals are flooded with people and half of them don't speak english!). This is just a theory of mine - they will get their way eventually, one way or another.

    Aaron Russo was friends with Nick Rockefeller before Nick explained to Aaron what was going on. Give this article a read:

    Republicans, most of whom used to be conservative, are being manipulated by Fox News. Fox News is supposed to be the "conservative" network, right? They have managed to convince conservatives that George Bush is one of them, when George Bush has expanded the federal government, spent more money than Bill Clinton (much of it on entitlements), leaves the border wide open while we are supposed to be threatened by terrorism, has been pro-gun control, is now moving us towards a North American Union, and, as you may have guessed, now "sees the threat" of global warming and wants to do something about it. But conservatives are supposed to overlook all of this, because the one alternative in the two-party system is slightly more evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are not closer to the Sun than the Earth that is correct by the same token Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants (i.e.) they don't have ice caps at all, and never did.

    Mars southern pole is reducing, cause unknown, it has been put forward by 1 Russian scientist that this proves the Sun is the cause, only problem is none of the satellites that monitor the Sun (and have for 30 years) show this increase in output

    And as for learning about global warming from "David de Rothschild" I had never heard of him before this question.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Of course you shouldn't listen to Al Gore. That has been my point so many times on this board when people attack him and assume that you are attacking Global Climate Change Theory. Gore is just presenting the case made by the overwhelming majority of scientific data (not a few scientist). A few scientist, largely funded by oil and coal industry, have presented info against climate change theory. What yo should do is read the info for yourself and then decide. Dont just listen to any one on either side of the debate. Think for yourself! What Gore has done is dumbed down Climate Change theory and presented to the public by the only means they know...TV/movies... which is a good thing since people dont read or want to learn. And since most of you skipped bio 101 when you were in your cant understand the science behind it any way. so you listen to the people that say what you want to hear (namely, everything is OK, keep consuming), you take it as fact and attack anyone that even hints that you may need to change your life style.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are believing what they hear. If they went to school and actually studied this stuff...they would know, and hate the fact, that Al Gore made a million over something he knows nothing about. The Earth goes through changes...ish happens. We are actually on the verge of an ice age...I believe in recycling, but the earth is not getting warmer! Will someone please visit China? The young people there do not even know what a blue sky is. It's the US pushing this crap to get your minds off the real issues. I am not a conspiracy all. It's just not real. No other country talks about it. Maybe recycling, that's just an obviuos thing. Check the temps people...and do not give us the polar cap stuff...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I studied things like formation of ice ages, glaciers, global warming etc way back in the early 70's as part of a university course in biophysics.

    Now I observe that 99% of the population has not studied those things over the past 35 years. The public, up to a few years back, had not learned anything. about it. So our scientists have been doing just one awful job of teaching us.

    We should have had someone with more science creds than either of the people you mention to convey this info. But even getting people to listen seems to have been a major problem.

    People seem to turn off when anyone talks science to them.

    Solving that problem by having a dumbed down presentation by a silver tongued orator has many pitfalls. After the orator has got our attention, we still have not learned much about the basic science. We are still totally dependent on a science body that we have barely been introduced to. We still have not learned to understand what scientists are really saying.

    Worst, we are easily distracted by other non-scientist silver tounged orators who claim to be telling us what science is saying.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh the scientists teach too. It's just that most Americans don't pay much attention to what professors teach these days. They do however go to movies, watch TV, and go on the Internet. That's why a lot of people are hearing about Climate Change from Al Gore's movie rather than a textbook or lecture.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree with YOU. Gore is just in it for the money that he is raising, when he graduates with a degree in meteorology, biology, or even anything in the scientific field, then he might say something I might listen to. People should quit listening to all of these other people and their opinions and study up on this for themselves and then come to a conclusion and stop taking every out spoken persons word on things. He said it so it must be true right??? Please!

  • 1 decade ago

    because most scientist feel it will happen anyway becuase it already happen naturaly. Al Gore just wants to make more money. dont preach to me about global warming when he does 10 times more polluting then the average person. And if he really cared dont you think he would be vegetarian which scientist say is the best way to help the earth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's only in America. In most countries it is the real scientists doing it. Half the Americans I talk to don't even realise that Al Gore shares the Noble prize equally with 100s of scientists.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are only figureheads for the real scientists. Hopefully our scientists that are trying to make difference are spending all their time in their laboratories, instead of being involved in all this globe trotting promotional stuff :) If not, we might as well throw our hands up now. . . :) NOT!!!

    Great question!!! It's awesome the amount of people raising awareness anymore :)

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