If Obama really cared about the environment and jobs, what would he have done differently about the oil spill?


Favorite Answer

Sit back and let BP prove that we don`t need big government to help.


Had BP start forking over money for the cost of clean up from day one. Not 2 months later and certainly not putting a 20 billion dollar cap on the funds.


Send you to go down there and plug it :). Funny the first post, yea let's sit back and see if BP would get it done. That's a joke you know they wouldn't do anything we need government more than you know. There is a fine line on how much government control there is and we are flirting with it though.


What could he have done?

I guess you are not familiar with the law that was enacted after the Valdez incident are you?


made sure the leak was stopped. it is still leaking.