I need advice on how to have a baby and work full time?
I need positive advice on how to work full time and have a baby. I am currently pregnant and the main income provider in our house. My husband owns his own company and is unable to take a paycheck in over a year, and he cannot walk away from the business as we would have to declare bankruptcy then and lose everything we have (as we had to sign things as collateral for the business). I work about 40-60 hours a week and work out of the house for about 20 of those hours. I figured I could hire a baby sitter for those 20 hours but I am worried about getting my work done the other 20-40 hours. I am self employed and so is my husband. My husband owns a 24 hour business and works about 60-80 hours out of the house.
He is freaking out about how we are going to pull this off. I really do not know the answer, just sort of hoping we can. Its causing major stress on our marriage and I really need some useful advice.
Some information, we are not children. I am 32 years old and was already having trouble getting pregnant and did not want to wait to be any older to have a child. We do have savings and do not want to use them to be able to support ourselves.