is the mother in laws tongue plant the same thing as a snake plant?

When I do an image search for either plant, I get images of the same type of plant. Does anyone know of any great plant info websites I can go to?


Favorite Answer

If you go by the Latin name Sansevieria ehrenbergii, there will never be any confusion on what plant you are looking for.

Indoor PlantMan2010-06-18T14:34:57Z

Hi Alicia,

Yes, they are different common or nicknames for the same plant, Sansevieria trifasciata. This highlights the confusion caused by the use of common names for plants. In some cases, the same common name is used to refer to very different plant species. It's not as much fun, but using botanical names does eliminate a lot of the confusion.

Try for some excellent indoor plant information


Lady Susan2010-06-18T06:03:23Z

Yes....Different names for the same plant.


Yes - those are common names for sansevieria.

See source for more information.