3 years, without Chris Benoit.?

3year ago we lost maybe the greatest wrestler ever.

1. your thoughs?
2. discribe Benoit as a wrestler?
3. who can (if any one can) take his place?
4. should he be inducted in HOF?
5. if he was still alive, where you expect him to be in WWE?


Favorite Answer

1. It's sad that the memory of what he did in the course of the last days of his life eclipse his career and that his name has become synonymous with a double murder and suicide, and it's an exposed nerve in the world of pro wrestling that won't ever really heal.

2. There's not enough bandwidth on the internet to praise him as a wrestler.

3. Nobody.

4. Not the WWE's, that won't happen. Maybe as time goes by, maybe a generation goes by, and well after Vince has passed, Chris might be inducted into the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Schnectady, but don't ever expect to see him in WWE's.

5. I can't answer this due to the condition of his brain in the autopsy. I can't envision him still being alive, whether dying by his own hand or in an accident or in the ring. I don't think he'd have lived until now.

Xx~Quote The Raven~xX2010-06-23T17:04:07Z

1. My thoughts is that I miss seeing him in the ring. I miss seeing him live. I just miss seeing his promos his interviews. I just miss him.

2. Sensational. He was one of a kind.

3. No one can never ever take that man's place.

4. Yes. I really want him to be inducted into the HOF. Although I hate the things he did to his family and himself....his legacy will live on through his wrestling.

5. I would expect him to be a World Heavyweight Champion. I think he would still be on top of his game. And I think he would be helping the younger generation of superstars out as well.

Edge- OMG i miss you2010-06-23T16:58:44Z

1.I am in the minority when it comes to my feelings about Benoit, and my thoughts are not popular here on YA, so all i will say is it is a absolute tragedy.
2. Sure he was a great technical wrestler, but i found his personality boring, and his mic skills below par.
3.No-one, i don't think they would let anyone even try.
4.If what happened never happened then some day sure, but i literally expect hell will have to freeze over before that happens now.
5. He would of been a regular in the title hunt, and a multiple champ by now.


I miss Benoit, he and Eddie Guerrero should both be in the WWE HOF. None will ever come close to Chris Benoit. He was the best technicalwrestler in the WWF/WWE, he proved that in feud with Kurt Angle. If was still alive Smackdown would be better than RAW (which it is now) and he would be WHC.


1. A highly good wrestler that is overshadowed by people who take account into what he did to his family then his wrestling skills.
2. Good technical wrestler, entertaining, one of the best.
3. No one
4.Yes, but Vince likes covering people's death and exploiting them.
5.To be th top guy on Raw or Smackdown wth the WWE title or World Heavyweight Championship.

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