Do you have a list of some really stupid books?

I want to start reviewing books, kind of like an opinionated and detailed review of books. I have a nice list of great books, but I need a list of some really, REALLY bad books (whether in plot, or in writing style). I have a few on my list already, but I need more. If you have a list of fiction books that you thought were really crappy, please give me the title and author so I can look them up, maybe read them and review them. Also, if you can tell me what was so crappy about them, that would be great.

Note: Please don't say books like Harry Potter or Twilight...I just don't wanna open that can of worms with all the lovers/haters of those series (For the record, Harry Potter rocks, and Twilight sucks). I just don't want to review those book least, not at this time.

So, give me your best list of crappy novels!

Thanks a lot!


Again, I say. DO NOT suggest Twilight or Harry Potter!


Favorite Answer

The Shadow God - Aaron Rayburn
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (I've heard that Angels and Demons is worse, don't know, won't EVER read anything else by Dan Brown)
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Never Enough - Harold Robbins


The Day My Butt Went Psycho, A. Griffiths (grossly amusing)
Love Story, E. Segal (something missing)
Lord of the Flies, W. Golding (gruesome)
Painted Bird, J. Kosinski (violent fiction misrepresented as fact)
Insomnia, S. King (too violent)
Wheel of Time (series), R. Jordan (endless)
Finnegan's Wake, J. Joyce (obfuscatory)
His Dark Materials (series), P. Pullman (mischievous nonsense)


Try Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel. It's a memoir, but it has no shortage of suck. You should review it if you can read through Ms. Wurtzel's constant whining and self pity.


the "What If" series. It's all about making decisions about this girl and it's stupid and pointless. Also, the "Captain Underpants" books. I didn't even read them, my brother did, but they're horrible!!!


New Moon
Breaking Dawn
Midnight Sun

All by Stephanie Meyer, all horrid in both plot and writing style.

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