hard drive crash on Compaq 2200?

The hard drive on my Compaq has apparently crashed, while I was on vacation and couldn't do anything about backing it up. I get a an opening message about an imminent drive failure and backing up, and it tells me to hit F1. When I do that, the Win XP screen comes up, then there's a click and it goes back to the "imminent failure" screen. I have a Seagate outboard drive that I can use, but can't get to the screen that installs it. What are the chances of recovering any or all of the data on the HD? I've searched the Web, and found some possible programs, but are any of them any good?


Could the failure have any connection with the new battery I installed last week? The PC worked fine for a week or so, then crashed.


Favorite Answer

chances of recovering are extremly low because it's a hardware falier.

the chances of getting your data back (at your cost, and it's a lot) by sending it to a specilist company are higher.

it's probably nothing to do with the battery, but because seagate were having some dodgy drives put out about 2 years ago and about 4 months ago sorted out the problem.

you could email Seagate and tell them what has happend, and they may be able to do something, i think it was just a firmware problem, they might be able to provide you with a firware update for the drive which might rectify the problem.


either reinstall windows (u lose all files) or recovery disc (lose all your files). I can't come up with much right now. I don't think the discs will work if u r sure ur hard drive has crashed. I quickly googled it up and found this though. http://h10010.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=bph05701&tmp_track_link=ot_recdoc/c00386164/en_us/bph05701/loc:2&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&product=96075&printable=no oh and this might help even better http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t186255-1720-hard-drive-detects-imminent-failure.html


most likly you wont be able to retrieve the items but i would try using a hard drive cloning program you might get lucky good luck!!!!!!