Do atheists have a mission statement?

The Christian mission statement is to "go into all the world and preach the gospel".


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cool bio you seem interesting

no, atheists dont have anything like that
we are all individual people, we dont have any common united goal
except to live i suppose


1. Atheists don't have a mission statement, as we don't share any doctrine. 2. I would LOVE for the world to be "to each their own," but unfortunately in this country, CHRISTIANS insist on imposing their beliefs in our school systems, in our government, and EVERYWHERE! Atheists simply have a mission to enforce the CONSTITUTIONAL law of the seperation of church and state. But when we challenge these instances where christians break the law, suddenly we're attacking religion? No, don't act like you're the victim here buddy.


No. Atheists do not have an organized group. We are all completely independent of each other. The only thing that is completely true of all atheists is the lack of belief in any deity. Any other opinions vary from person to person. There is no mission statement.


The christian mission statement is "preach the gospel and kill those who don't accept it" My mission statement is to try and keep you from killing everyone you don't like.


My mission statement is

Drink the Vodka, eat the olives, don't feed the bears.

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