Gender question; did you moms ever hear this?

We had our ultrasound this week and we were very much hoping that we'd be able to find out the gender. I guess we waited too long, though, because with the positioning and the room in there (I'm 27 weeks) the tech didn't want to say for sure.

She said that she couldn't get the angle right for long enough to snap a picture, but that she thinks she saw a scrotum, and that if she had to guess she would say boy.

How would you moms take that? I was toying with the idea of being surprised, so it's not a huge deal to me, but everyone wants to know for the baby shower. Should I say "Probably a boy, but buy neutral!" Or should I act like we don't have a guess? If people buy boy clothes it won't be a huge deal, we still have all of the infant stuff left over from our 14-month old daughter.

Jenn ♥Cadence Jade's mum♥2010-07-02T13:04:47Z

I wouldn't tell anyone it might be a boy unless you know. When my friend was pregnant she went for her ultrasound and the tech said probably a girl but not 100% sure since they didn't get a great view. She told her family and suddenly it was 100% a girl and they were out buying pink and telling her there is no way its a boy. Thankfully she did have a girl, but she wished she never said anything. If you get a ton a boys clothes and its not a boy its going to be a waste. I would say tell everyone to go neutral for now.


I would just tell people to go with neutral colors. If it was me, I'd be telling people that the ultrasound tech couldn't tell, or the baby was too shy to tell. I know you have your daughter's clothes left over, but it would be a shame for people to spend money buying boy clothes and items if you wouldn't use many of them.


I got a wishy-washy answer at first from my OB, so I went to one of those 3D/4D studios and had them determine for me. They will take the time necessary to find out for you no matter what. It did cost me $75 - which I was happy to pay because I was DYING to know!! If you don't care that much, then I would just continue as though you have no idea. Don't tell people that you think it may be a boy, because anybody who buys boy stuff will feel like their gift went to waste if it ends up being a girl.

Texas girl-Mom of 2 kids plus 1 angel baby2010-07-02T11:44:48Z

Just tell people you don't know for sure. If we had found out what we were having, we wouldn't tell people till after the shower. Mainly because it seems like when people know what you're having they get clothes instead of things off the registry, especially if it's a girl. It's really up to you though.

Invisible Pink RN2010-07-02T10:39:02Z

50% at best -

I wouldn't go painting the nursery all blue yet