worried we won't find out?

i'm 19 weeks preggo and had an ultra sound on the 2nd of july after being in a car accident. received a clean bill of health but the baby wouldn't give up the gender.

we have another scheduled for the 16th of july. i'm worried now that we won't find out what we are having. i don't want to plan a gender neutral nursery, i'd really like to find out what we are having.

did anyone else have this problem?

i know there is no guarantee we will find out - that's up to the baby but i'm just ancy wanting to know! ahhh lol

SRR_lover_Bella's Mommy:)2010-07-05T19:02:47Z

Favorite Answer

I drank some ice cold water before having the scan to make her move all around and at first she wouldn't show us but then she started to move and finally we found out it's a girl! So drink something really cold or sugary and that will get the baby moving so you can see the parts, also maybe gently push and wiggle on your belly to make them move!!


to be fair I think the only way they are certain is when its a boy :)
If its that important to you have a chat to the scanner and ask if you can have a wiggle and see if baby will move for you to have a peak xx

Dee Dee2010-07-06T00:35:18Z

i didn't find out what i was having until i was 20 weeks. so on the 16th you may have better luck...