Can doctors be stripped of his right to practice medicine in the UK?

Is it true, this year British doctor Andrew Wakefield was stripped of his right to practice medicine
in the UK. His crime? Choosing to investigate why children were suffering serious bowel
disturbances and slipping into autism - and finding there was a link to vaccines. As a result of his
investigation he lost his job at the department of medicine at London's Royal Free Hospital, his
career, and finally, his medical license.


Yes, a doctor can be stripped of their medical license anywhere in the world.

It isn't easy to do, and required proof, beyond reasonable doubt that he has somehow violated the Hippocratic Oath. Or he has taken bribes, to move someone up an organ donor list, or took bribes to give better or worse medical care.Selling one's medical information online, violating doctor/patient rights ect. All of these violate the HIPAA Laws. All of these can somehow cause harm to someone else, and are worthy of having your license stripped from a doctor.

Prescribing a medication you are allergic to? Nope
A patient dies during a routine surgery, due to unforeseen complications? Nope

You get the idea. I haven't read the entirety of the article and the investigation that went alone with it. However, he was obviously found in violation of some of these laws.

*Note* I am not sure what the equivalent to the HIPAA laws/Hippocratic Oath is in the UK, or if it is the same. I do know they have the same sort of guideline though.


hi, I help your determination to flow from the US the two to income and get ready drugs in the united kingdom. i'm disgusted with the state of the U. S.-referred to as healthcare exceedingly those days. it is so obvious that there is a extensive divide on who're the have's and function no longer's what with the extensive unemployment and financial downfall that hundreds of thousands of people ought to do without uncomplicated healthcare. Healthcare in the US is an argument of affordability this is so incorrect. no longer so in the united kingdom the place each and every citizen can get healthcare without going broke. Even in the european, and for that rely another developed usa, healthcare is a suited. So I accept as true with anybody right here aside from iffoyo's. at the start, that is an ignorant guy or woman who might dare to make offensive feedback some scientific student's mind then challenge that guy or woman on something as stupid as some variety of so-referred to as pretend certifications. Secondly that is not basically an ignorant guy or woman yet in addition a very misinformed, erroneous one to state with surety that any physician who works for the government isn't basically stupid yet in addition uncaring. rather, iffoyo, the final public people docs want to artwork in the indoors maximum sector through fact they're pushed by way of greed no longer through fact they care approximately their sufferers' welfare. they're lured by way of the severe salaries yet as Donna and British Empire state as quickly as the malpractice coverage costs are subtracted from those salaries they pop out not greater desirable than docs in the united kingdom. And as for being careless, there are various situations of physician carelessness in the indoors maximum sector. If that weren't the case then why is it the US ranks very almost to the backside whilst it is composed of high quality of life and healthcare?!


His 'crime' was actually: "On January 28, 2010, a five-member statutory tribunal of the GMC found some three dozen charges proved, including four counts of dishonesty and 12 involving the abuse of developmentally-challenged children."

"only vaccinated children have autism. An unvaccinated child doesn't."

LMAO! You've plumbed new depths of stupidity with that one!

Flizbap 2.02010-07-09T15:03:12Z

"only vaccinated children have autism. An unvaccinated child doesn't."

This is such a harmful and easily disproven lie that one would have to believe, at this point, that your intentions are nothing but malicious.

Bella2010-07-09T09:37:22Z the Uk

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