Erasing iPod before Selling?
How can I delete all of the songs and data off of my first generation iPod nano so that I can sell it? I have another iPod so I don't want the songs on my iTunes to delete when I erase my nano.
How can I delete all of the songs and data off of my first generation iPod nano so that I can sell it? I have another iPod so I don't want the songs on my iTunes to delete when I erase my nano.
mr grumpy pants
Favorite Answer
when you plug your ipod into itunes on the left side a little tab with your ipod's name should appear. click on that and go to the "summary" tab. there should be two buttons, one saying "check for updates" and one saying "restore". click on restore and follow the guided instructions
Under settings there should be an option like "Reset Settings" or Restore. That should delete everything from your nano, but to be safe don't have it connected to your computer while deleting. It would have no adverse effects on your computer.
Restore it to factory setting when you're on itunes and the ipod is plugged in.
itunes > ipod > music > click on first song > shift+down (until all songs are selected) > delete
same on videos