Front Struts affecting fan functionality?

I just had the front struts replaced on my 2002 Honda Civic. Yesterday my AC/ cabin fan was working just fine. When I picked my car up and drove away I turned on the fan, and now it (the fan) makes a squeaking sound.

Normally I wouldn't make any connection, since the struts should have nothing to do with whether or not the fan works.

Is there a chance that something they did while replacing struts/ aligning the wheels that would now make the fan squeak?


Perhaps the process to realign the wheel jostled something out of place? Possible. I realize the fan has not physical connection to the wheels/struts- I just think it's odd that I would not have this problem one day, then have it right after I had some work done.


Favorite Answer

That's some jump there! No possible connection between the two. I know then why does it sequel after they worked on it? Because the brass bushings in the fan have gone bad, the sound will come and go. The strut bone is not connected to the fan bone! Sorry no possible link.

poecilotheria metallica keeper2010-07-12T19:54:07Z

No it's just a coincidence as the fan is located inside the passenger compartment.The fan was most likely on its way out and the noise of the struts was masking the squeak or it just started at that time

Royal Pain2010-07-12T19:52:52Z

I don't think that is connected in any way. Struts are to do with wheels. The fan is totally separate.