18th century ship found under the WTC site. What do you think is in it?

So the workers excavating the World Trade Center site found the remains of an 18th century ship, thirty feet underground at the site. My mind is spinning, wondering how it got there. Was it just dumped there as trash or was it being hidden? What might it contain?

Friar Timothy2010-07-16T01:19:42Z

Favorite Answer

I think it is proof that NYC is some of the stupidest people around ! So the tallest buildings (for a short time) and the most important buildings (so many say) were in fact build on a land fill where they used old ships and homes and anything they could find to hold in the back fill of dirt and sand ! How these buildings stood is a marvel, they could have very easily become the leaning towers of NYC or just sank beneeth the ground under their own weight !

If NY is so screwed up to think they can build a city of heavy weight super buildings on a land fill of junk then why would they not build some buildings that could fall down under their own weight with a little help from a fire ?


Oh, so you don't mind people using archaeology to excavate a random ship but you oppose it at all other times, especially when it's used to support evolution? No, it's not proof of the ark. It's just a ship, one of hundreds upon thousands, maybe millions of ships built over the millenia. How the hell do you think 2 of EVERY animal on earth could fit in there in the first place, anyway? This is getting ridiculous. Are you seriously going to leap upon every old-looking ship you see and claim it's the ark?